WhatsApp has announced a big change in its privacy poliy, once a user accepts its new T&Cs, will start to share some user data with FaceBook for ad-targeting purposes.

WhatsApp writes in a blog on the change today.

“Facebook can offer better friend suggestions and show you more relevant ads if you have an account with them. For example, you might see an ad from a company you already work with, rather than one from someone you’ve never heard of.”

How do I choose not to share my account information with Facebook to improve my Facebook ads and products experiences?

Step 1

Before you tap Agree to accept our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, tap Read.

Step 2
You will see a control at the bottom of the screen. If you do not want your account information shared with Facebook to improve your Facebook ads and products experiences, you can uncheck the box or toggle the control.

Another Option
After you agree to our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you will have an additional 30 days to make this choice by going to Settings > Account > Share my account info in the app. If you do not want your account information shared with Facebook to improve your Facebook ads and products experiences, you can uncheck the box or toggle the control.

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Posted By Abhijit

Abhijit Dharmadhikari is a normal guy who is passionate about Computing, Blogging and Internet. Student of Software Engineer by education a Blogger by profession and Blogging is his passion

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